Posts Tagged ‘kitchen gadgets’


September 28, 2010

Inspector Gadget

I am not a gadget pimp, but there are a few little items in my kitchen that make my life easier. This is part two in my series of “Go Gadget Go” posts. I may occasionally write about which gadgets got-to-go as-in, go in the trash, but for now I will be a lover, not a fighter.

Ikea Knife Magnet with Silicone Tongs.

I love myself a knife magnet. I especially fancy the $14.99 knife magnet from IKEA. I have installed 3 in my lifetime. I am not sure when the world assumed that a big wooden block was the place place for knives, but does no one wonder what lives in the dark extremities of that porous block of wood? I am sure no one does, but I do. Not only do I find knife blocks to be gross, but they take up valuable counter real estate. I also love that I can stick anything metallic to the magnet including kitchen shears and tongs. Handy is another word I love. If I could put everything I need in my home on a magnet, I would, but I am afraid it might throw off my electro magnet fields and drain my magnetic personality.

Tongs, not to be confused with tongues, are also so groovy. I do not enjoy the super heavy stainless steel tongs. I don’t need a hand work out when I cook. I love the super cheap mostly aluminum tongs, but as I do love to contradict myself, my current tong sweetheart is partially silicone coated stainless steel and retails for about $12 by Cuispro. They have a super easy locking mechanism. How many of you have battled with tongs that wouldn’t unlock when you needed them to or vice versa. I feel your pain. Not only are these tongs fantastic for sauteeing in a non-stick pan, but they remove your need for a tall person in the kitchen. You say that jar of tomato sauce is out of reach? Fear not, your handy silicone tongs will extend your arm length by 9.5″ and grip that glass jar with no-slip-ease.

I have a few more gadgets up my culinary sleeve, but I have to save something for future posts! Please please tell me what gadgets set your heart a flutter.

Click here to read the first Go Gadget Go post!